Grosse Pointe Boat Club
Brian Fromm, Commodore
Veronica Greiner, Vice Commodore
Paul Maiale, Rear Commodore
Jorge Bonafede
PC Matt Bontomasi
Ski Chmielewski
Teri Davis
PC Buzz Young
Sheri Allor, Treasurer
Sharon Stellingwerf, Secretary
Joan Ferguson, Membership Chair
Sheila Tomkowiak, Website Administrator
Tamra Fromm, Website Editor
1960-61 Dr. Edward R. Stoliker
1962-63 Al Adams
1964 Wilfred Barbret
1965 Robert Drean
1966 Russell Davis, III
1967 Stanley Shanck
1968 Frank Voorwerk
1969 Alvan Turney
1970 Ralph Bower
1971 Francis M. Huxley
1972 Edward Hickey
1973 Dr. Milton Lipson
1974 Ralph Burton
1975 Bruce Reynolds
1976 Dr. Frank McGillen
1977 Eugene O’Brien, Jr.
1978 Clifford Crockford
1979 James Finney
1980 Arthur Behm
1981 Charles L. Howe
1982 Thomas Guthat
1983 Dr. William C. Quinlan, Jr.
1984 Dale N. Scrace
1985 Robert Green
1986 William Twiddy
1987 Charles Witzke
1988 John Henfrey Smith
1989 Philip Allor
1990 Crosby Boyd
1991 Edward L. Harrah
1992 Arthur Kainz
1993 John Onstwedder
1994 Greg Tisdale
1995 Kenneth Munn
1996 Danny Krease
1997 Larry A. Dowers
1998 Thomas C. Van Der Maas
1999 David Hohlfeldt
2000 Bruce Srupp
2001 Ronald J. Borghi
2002 Donald Smolenski
2003 Frank Stellingwerf
2004 Stephen L. Sholty
2005 Jane K. Davies
2006 John Popovich
2007 Sheila Young Tomkowiak
2008 Wayne Onstwedder
2009 James Grenda
2010 Anne Nyboer
2011 Linda Onstwedder
2012 Maj-Britt Black
2013 Phil Gilbert
2014 Chris Greiner
2015 Geoff Boynton
2016 Jason Merkel
2017 Donald Smolenski
2018 George (Buzz) Young
2019 Reggie Beckius
2020 Dale Cox
2021 Leslie Wagner
2022 Elizabeth Natter
2023 Matt Bontomasi
Founded in 1959, The Grosse Pointe Boat Club is a boating and social club (sail and power) located in Neff Park in the City of Grosse Pointe. The family-oriented club operates out of a repurposed garage fondly nicknamed The Littlest Club. The club hosts a variety of events including parties at the park and in the Scrace Marina, weekend rendezvous at various points on Lake St. Clair, sailboat races, and an annual Christmas party and Commodore’s Ball. We also offer annual safety inspections for boats in the marina.
Winterfest 2025
A sunny success! The GPBC supported the City’s Winterfest and dished out gooey s’mores to countless kiddies. Tip of the commodore’s cap to all our volunteers: Karen Biolchino, Pam Berry & Al Gargano, Director Teri Davis & Gary Rowoldt, Jen DeWard & PC Matt Bontomasi, Kathy Long, PC Liz Natter, Christie & Shiloh Wadsworth, and PC Buzz Young.
Winter Solstice 2024
Approximately 60 members braved the chilly (but sunny) day on Saturday, December 21 to celebrate the Winter Solstice and the welcome each extra minute of sunlight we will get each day from this date forward. Many thanks to Duncan Currie who initiated this event four or five years ago and for hosting it every year since.
And thanks to all who lent a hand to make the event joy-filled, including Duncan Currie, Erik Hagelthorn, Brian Fromm on setup; PC Dave Hohlfeldt (for his special chili with steak burgers provided by his almost 100-year-old mother) and all who brought a dessert or treat; PC Phil & Treasurer Sheri Allor, Duncan & Diane Currie, Patti & Danny Dawes, VC Veronica Greiner, Sharon & Rob Suess, Brian Fromm on the cleanup crew; photos and compilation by PC Buzz Young; and supplies and inventory by PC Jane Davies.
For more photos, click here: 2024: Winter Solstice Party | Flickr
Christmas Party 2024
Close to 80 people gathered at the Grosse Pointe Historical Society History Center for good cheer, plentiful food catered by Jefferson Street Pub, and joyous Christmas songs sung by the Grosse Pointe South Choir. Cmdre. Brian Fromm, Lady Tamra, and PC Liz Natter co-hosted the event with multiple volunteers who contributed to the festive event, including: Nancy Addison, Director Teri Davis, PC Liz Natter, VC Veronica Greiner, Paula Smolenski, Mary Scrace, Cmdre. Brian for desserts; PC Jane Davies, Kathy Grabruck & Steve Bowler, Sharon & Rob Suess, and Henry Webb on set-up; PC Jane Davies for decorations; PC Matt Bontomasi for coordinating the Toys for Tots donations. And too many people to name who helped clean up and deliver extra food to the Grosse Pointe City and Farms Public Safety officers.
Last but not least, thanks to the club paparazzi who were out in force. Not just reliable shutterbug PC Liz Natter, but PC Jane Davies was rocking a new iPhone, while soon-to-be PC Brian shot a few photos as well. But the ‘Most Enthusiastic Snapper’ award goes to PC Dale Cox, aka Sultan of the Selfie.
Click here to see more photos: 2024: Christmas Party | Flickr
Tree Lighting 2024
The Village looked better than ever. The crowd was bigger than ever. The choir sounded better than ever, thanks to the new stage.
Friday’s Annual Village Tree Lighting was indeed one of the best ever. And the Grosse Pointe Boat Club was right in the thick of it. Club members served up twenty gallons of hot chocolate to more than 350 people and still ran out before PC Mayor Sheila Tomkowiak presided over the lighting of the tree!

The Dubious Duo of PCx2/poet-in-residence Don Smolenski and PC Buzz Young spearheaded the effort per GPBC tradition. Special thanks go to Dir ExtraordinaireTeri Davis; RC Paul Maiale with his new bride Kelly; VC and commodore-in-waiting Veronica Greiner; PC Matt Bontomasi and Jen DeWard. Also, thanks to new members Shiloh and Christie Wadsworth who rolled up their sleeves and pitched in to help handle traffic.
A sizable crowd of club members turned out and stepped up for additional tasks. Thank you to PC2 Don Smolenski and PC Buzz Youngfor organizing the Boat Club’s support of the City’s tree lighting by providing hot chocolate and for all the volunteers who pitched including: Paula Smolenski, Ken and Marty Casey, and PC Tom and Mary VanderMaas who helped with setup and cleanup. Other club members hanging at the table and keeping an eye on things were Commodore Brian and his Lady Tamra Fromm (thanks to Brian for taking photos), PC Dale Cox, new member Ben Scrace, PC Leslie Wagner, PC Dale & Mary Scrace, PC Dave & Betsy Hohlfeldt, Steve Bowler & Kathy Grabruck, Geri Haselmire, Dave Fries, and Sedona & Rob Weyant with baby Cora Jo.
Click here to see more photos:
Oktoberfest 2024
Despite a stiff breeze, we had a beautiful evening for this year’s chili cook off. Lots of variations of chili, brats, German potato salad, coleslaw, appetizers, desserts, beer and wine. And a great crowd to make a perfect evening by the water! PCx2 Don Smolenski again regaled us with a familiar ode to chili.
Ten GPBC members offered their culinary talents to provide chili:
1 – Bob Vanderpool: Anonymous
2 – Honorable Tom Van Tiem: Tom’s Best
3 – Nancy Addison: My Dad’s Chili
4 – PC Liz Natter: The Great Pumpkin
5 – PCx2 Don Smolenski: Porky’s Everyday
6 – Lauren Krall: Serious Chili
7 – Steve Bowler: Band of Beans
8 – Brad Anderson: B’s B4 Twang
9 – Rob Peberdy: Ring of Fire
10 – Shiloh Wadsworth: Smokey the Chili
The voting was very close this year with the winning entry from Shiloh Wadsworth; runner up was PC Liz Natter. Congratulations to Shiloh and all the chefs!
GPC Fall Festival
Several GPBC members lent their hands to run the S’mores station at the Grosse Pointe City Fall Festival held on Saturday, September 21. While the weather was rough and drizzly, the team came through and was even mentioned in the Grosse Pointe News. Thanks to Ski and Ceci Chmielewski for leading the event and all those who came out to help make the day fun for the kids!
Kaiser Cup Race and Celebratory Party
On Sunday afternoon, September 8, eight boats carrying brave skippers and crew, faced heavy, wildly shifty wind and punishing seas in the 9th annual GPBC Kaiser Cup Regatta. In a winner-take-all race for glory, this year’s cup went to PC Phil Allor, and the crew of his Beneteau 31, Solena. Congratulations, Phil!
Competing skippers in the other boats were Fred Bartel, Jay Kaiser, Iron Bob Krueger, Lee Nyboer, PC Dale Scrace, Larry Warren and PC Buzz Young. The competition was tight and the racing a real challenge. Jay was heard to lament afterward “How can you be on the wrong side of a (wind) shift every single time?”
Dock Committee duties this year were handled by Shirley Momjian, PC Sheila Tomkowiak, Treasurer Sheri Allor and Pat Warren. Many thanks to them for keeping everyone organized and honest.
Afterward, racers headed to the Littlest Club for a jolly party, attended by nearly 60 people and hosted by PC Sheila Tomkowiak with immeasurable help from VC Veronica Greiner. Mary Scrace staffed the check-in desk, while Director Teri Davis cracked the whip on the clean-up crew. Everyone enjoyed appetizers, salad, pizza, liquid refreshments of many kinds, and a variety of yummy desserts.
Click here for photos: 2024: Kaiser Cup | Flickr
Milliken Rendezvous Recap
The weekend of September 6-8 presented a foretaste of fall weather. All the same, it was a bit chilly to be near the water. Members arrived on five boats and a few members joined by car. Fortunately, the sun came out Saturday in time for happy hour. The crew then enjoyed dinner at Andrew’s on the Corner. Newer members Sara Zobl & Ken Wojtkowiak and their two kids enjoyed their first rendezvous with the Club. Thanks to PC Matt Bontomasi and Jen DeWard for leading this event. For more photos, click here: 2024: Milliken Rendezvous | Flickr
Western BBQ Fun and Feast
Yahoo, buckaroos! What a rootin’ tootin’ party! The forecast threatened rain but the weather fortunately held out for us as we enjoyed an awesome barbeque feast, great decorations, plenty of appetizers and desserts, and wonderful company. A big thank you to our hostess extraordinaire Joan Ferguson and all those who helped! Shiloh Wadsworth, a new Club member, was our 50/50 winner… and it happened to be Shiloh’s birthday too!
Thank to y’all the volunteers who helped make this event a huge success! Set-up Crew: PC Matt Bontomasi, PC Jane Davies, Director Teri Davis, Mike Dixon, Kathy Grabruck & Steve Bowler, VC Veronica Greiner, PC James Grenda, Kathy & Mike Long, VC Veronica Greiner, Martha Popovich, Cmdre Brian. Welcome Table: Marty Casey, Director Ski and Ceci Chmielewski, Director Teri Davis. 50/50 collectors: Sofia Bontomasi and RC Paul Maiale. Decorations: Mary and PC Dale Scrace. Clean-up: PC Maj-Britt & Jim Black, Marty Casey, PC Jane Davies, Mike & Clara Dixon, VC Veronica Greiner, PC James Grenda and Joan Ferguson, RC Paul Maiale, Martha Popovich, and PC Sheila Tomkowiak & PC Buzz Young.
For more great photos of this event, click here:
Algonac Rendezvous
Four boats and a couple cars convened at the Algonac Harbor Club for this weekend’s rendezvous. Apparently, it’s been a while since the Club has been to Algonac. Some boaters left ahead of time on Thursday and experienced smooth seas, whereas those that travelled up Friday encountered rough waves. The weather on Saturday was in the low 70s but there was a strong wind as we sat at the picnic tables for games and dinner. A big thank you to our hosts Kris and Jim Hart who served up chicken and beef kabobs, rice, and salad for Saturday’s dinner and breakfast on Sunday morning.
Metro Beach Rendezvous
Over twenty people gathered at Metro Beach the weekend of July 20 and 21 — six arrived by boat and the rest by cars. Participants enjoyed golf, kayaking, sunbathing, walking, bicycle riding, puzzles, and just sitting around the picnic socializing. Thank you to Paula and PC2 Don Smolenski for organizing the event and cooking Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast.
For more photos, click here:
Commodore’s Breakfast starts the day off right
What’s better than sleeping in on Sunday morning? Showing up at the Littlest Club with friends and family for a scrumptious breakfast complete with pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, fruit, and desserts, that’s what! Past commodores and their spouses turned out in droves to offer their culinary talents and event expertise. And the kids certainly had a good time too, getting their faces painted by guest Cathy Dean and listening to boat stories read by Sharon Suess.
A big ‘thank you’ to hosts PC Matt Bontomasi and Jen DeWard who organized the event and all those who helped, including:
Childrens’ Activities: Viviana & Jorge Bonafede, Lady Tamra Fromm, Lauren Krall, Sharon Suess, Jaclyn Thompson
Donations: Treasurer Sheri Allor (bubbles & chalk), Joel Stone (coloring books he authored)
Past Commodore Crew: PC Phil & Sheri Allor; PC Maj-Britt Black; PC Dale Cox; PC Jane Davies; PC Jim Grenda & Joan Ferguson; PC Dave Hohlfeldt; PC Liz Natter; PC Anne Nyboer; PC Linda & PC Wayne Onstwedder; PC Dale & Mary Scrace; PC Don Smolenski; PC Frank & Sharon Stellingwerf; PC Leslie Wagner
Cleanup: Treasurer Sheri Allor, Director Jorge Bonafede, PC Matt Bontomasi & Jen DeWard, Marty Casey, PC Jane Davies, Director Teri Davis & Gary Rowoldt, VC Veronica Greiner, PC Jim Grenda & Membership Chair Joan Ferguson, Mike Long, PC Anne & Lee Nyboer, PC Dale Scrace
Homeport Rendezvous honors RC Jim Callahan
Approximately forty-five members and guests enjoyed a wonderful evening by the lake and a meal catered by the Park Grill, organized by Marty & Ken Casey and VC Veronica Greiner. Ken provided a slide show with beautiful reflections on RC Jim Callahan. In memory of Jim, Marcia Cron and Ken donated a ship’s bell, which will be displayed in the clubhouse. Marcia even made Jim’s favorite dessert — Belgian lukken (otherwise known by Italians as pizzelle). Thank you to our hosts and all the volunteers who helped, including:
Hosts: Marty & Ken Casey, VC Veronica Greiner
Setup: Director Jorge Bonafede; PC Matt Bontomasi; Marty, Ken, & Laura Casey; PC Dale Cox; Marcia Cron; PC Jane Davies; Clara & Michael Dixon; Cmdre Brian Fromm; Kathy Grabruck & Steve Bowler; PC Veronica Greiner; PC Dave Hohlfeldt; Jean Remillet
Welcome desk: Ceci & Ski Chmielewski
Clean-up: PC Matt Bontomasi & Jen DeWard, PC Jane Davies, guests Joanne Case, Mary Lightbody and sister Kathleen (guests), PC Anne Nyboer
DYC Rendezvous 2024
The rendezvous to the Detroit Yacht Club (DYC) was filled to capacity and everyone enjoyed the evening, Some came by boat, while others via car. Many thanks to Marie Quinlan and PC Maj-Britt Black for planning and executing this event!

Italiano Night — deliciosa e bella!
Thanks to hosts PC Jane Davies, Betsy & PC Dave Hohlfeldt, and PC Linda & PC Wayne Ontswedder, over eighty members and guests enjoyed an outstanding evening with an amazing Italian feast and plenty of ambience. As they say in Italian, ‘delicious and beautiful’. While the weather was tenuous — a bit of both sunshine and some damp skies — we were well protected by our canopies. We were delighted to have so many in attendance, including Sandy & PC Chuck Witzke, valuable contributors to the club who moved to Florida.
Thank you to everyone who shared copious and delicious appetizers and sweet desserts; and a special thanks to all the volunteers, including: the Onstwedder daughters (Sara and Jaclyn), their husbands (Josh and Ross), PC Matt Bontomasi, and Jay Kaiser on set up; Ceci and Director Ski Chmielewski, Maxine and Lou Hartman at the reception; Doris Neal who served up the lasagna; PC’s Phil Allor and Don Smolenski who handled the 50/50 raffle and regaled us with a special poem for the evening. The cleanup crew included Marty Casey, Marcia Cron, Membership Chair Joan Ferguson, Tom Van Tiem, and Joe Valentine.
For more photos, click here: 2024: Italian Night | Flickr

Fitting Out Party 2024
A beautiful May evening provided the backdrop for a spectacular party to kick off the 2024 outdoor season! Despite the wait for the caterer, the event was one of the best attended events in club history. Everyone enjoyed time by the lake with good friends.
To date, over $1500 was raised for the kayak upgrade project. Many thanks to those who donated! If anyone would still like to contribute to the project, please make a check payable to the City of Grosse Pointe Foundation with a note ‘GPBC’ in the memo line. Checks can be mailed to the City of Grosse Pointe.
Thanks especially to our wonderful hosts: RC Paul Maiale, Director Teri Davis, and Jo Malecek who worked tirelessly on this event. Thanks also to all the volunteers who contributed to the evening: flyer designers and distributors; those who planted flowers around the clubhouse; those who arrived early to set up; those who checked in members and guests, collected donations, and stayed late to clean up.
And a warm welcome to the new members who joined our littlest club!
For more event photos, click here: 2024: Fitting Out | Flickr
Clubhouse Clean-up Day Preps for Season Ahead
Seventeen ‘crew’ members showed up on a Saturday morning to make our clubhouse sparkle and shine for the season ahead! Even the sun showed up to brighten the day despite looming forecasts of rainy weather.
Thanks to all those who lent a hand and more, including Cmdre. Brian Fromm, VC Veronica Greiner, RC Paul Maiale, Treasurer Sheri Allor, Director Jorge Bonafede, PC Matt Bontomasi, Marty & Ken Casey, Ceci & Director Ski Chmielewski, PC Jane Davies, Jay Kaiser, PC Liz Natter, Rob Peberdy, Bob Vanderpool, Honorable Tom Van Tiem, and PC Leslie Wagner.
For more photos, click here: 2024: Clubhouse Cleanup | Flickr
Ladies Tea 2024
Seven lovely Boat Club ladies donned their fashionable hats and enjoyed an intimate afternoon at the Pink House Tea Room in New Baltimore with tea and lunch overlooking scenic Anchor Bay. Thank you to Karen Grobbel for hosting this event!
For more photos, click here: 2024: Ladies Tea | Flickr
~ Brian Fromm
Feather Bowling 2024 @ Cadieux Cafe
On Friday, April 5, close to forty members came out to dine, bowl, and gather together at the Cadieux Cafe. Thank you to Barb and Rob Peberdy along with Commodore Brian and Tamra Fromm for hosting this favorite annual event. RC Paul Maiale was the lucky winner of the 50/50 raffle. We were fortunate to have Anne and Lee Nyboer’s daughter Claire working that night to provide us excellent service.

L to R: Gerri Haselmire, Ed Benz, Kris Hart, Jim Hart, PC Phil Allor, Fran Benz, and Treasurer Sheri Allor.

RC Paul Maiale carefully examines the distance between the feather and the closest wooden balls.

PC Don Smolenski contemplates his next throw while Lee Nyboer, PC Jane Davies, and Gerri Haselmire cheer from the sidelines.
More photos can be viewed at the link:
— Brian Fromm
2024 Commodore’s Ball
The Commodore’s Ball this past Saturday was a wonderful evening to honor PC Matt Bontomasi and Lady Jen. Matt was an excellent Commodore who provided strong leadership and led great (and profitable) events. We appreciate all that PC Matt and Lady Jen have done and continue to do for the Club. We enjoyed cocktails, dinner by Marchiori, and dancing to the tunes by Detroit’s Own Soul Purpose, all overlooking the lake on a beautiful spring evening.
Congratulations to our 2024 Officers:
Commodore: Brian Fromm
Vice Commodore: Veronica Greiner
Rear Commodore: Paul Maiale
Directors: Jorge Bonafede, PC Matt Bontomasi, Ski Chmielewski, Teri Davis, and PC Buzz Young
Treasurer: Sheri Allor
Secretary: Sharon Stellingwerf
Membership Chair: Joan Ferguson
Website Administrator: Sheila Tomkowiak
Website Editor: Tamra Fromm
Left to right: Commodore Brian Fromm, PC Matt Bontomasi, Director Paul Maiale, and Vice Commodore Veronica Greiner,
Thank you to all the volunteers who contributed to the event: Treas. Sheri Allor, Sofia Bontomasi, PC Matt Bontomasi, Steve Bowler & Kathy Grabruck, Ski & Ceci Chmielewski, Duncan & Diane Currie, PC Jane Davies, Membership Chair Joan Ferguson, Chris & Karen Grobbel, RC Paul Maiale & Kelly Basnett, Lady Tamra Fromm, VC Veronica Greiner, Gerri Haselmire, Lauren & Tom Krall, PC Liz Natter, PC Dale Scrace, PC Don Smolenski, Sharon & Rob Suess, PC Sheila Tomkowiak and PC Buzz Young.

More photos can be viewed at the link:
— Brian Fromm
Game Night 2024
Close to thirty GPBC friends gathered on a cold January Saturday for some fun and games… literally! Thank you to Karen and Chris Grobel for hosting the club’s first Game Night! A perfect way to break up the monotony of the snowy and frigid weather.
Survey says… many members enjoyed the friendly competition of Family Feud while others battled it out playing Mexican Train Dominoes. A variety of other games were enjoyed by all!
For more photos, click here:
~ Matt Bontomasi
Winter Solstice Party
What a party! The 2023 Winter Solstice Party was the most well attended ever! More than 70 GPBC friends gathered at the Littlest Club to celebrate the shortest day of the year. Everyone enjoyed delicious soups, snacks and sweets. Thank you to PC Dave Hohlfeldt for making the wonderful soups, and thanks to all who contributed a sweet or savory treat. RC Jim Callahan was the lucky winner of the 50/50 drawing and went home with $75 cold, hard cash… literally.

Some friends gathered around the fires to keep warm, while others took advantage of the hot cider and hot cocoa with Baileys to warm up. Director Paul Maiale was even spotted wearing electric gloves! Once again, our beloved Bard of the Boat Club, PCx2 Don Smolenski, had the crowd cheering and laughing as he gave his ode to the trials and tribulations of Michigan Winters.

A big thank you to Duncan Currie for hosting this wonderful event! Duncan pitched the idea for a Winter Solstice party in 2018 and it has continued to be a great tradition for the GPBC. Many members commented that it is their favorite party of the year. Tip of the Commodore’s hat to Duncan! Thank yous are also due to PC Tom VanDerMaas and Sofia Bontomasi for conducting the 50/50 raffle; the setup and cleanup crew including Ken & Marty Casey, VC Brian Fromm, Dir. Paul Maiale, Lady Jen and Sofia Bontomasi; and Lady Jen, VC Brian Fromm and Fast Eddie Benz, for terrific photos of the event.
For more photos, click here:
~ Matt Bontomasi
Get your GPBC Swag on!
If you’ve been at any of our club events lately, you’ve likely noticed the cool polo shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, caps and jackets with the GPBC logo that folks are wearing.
You can get these — and more! — at Albatross Embroidery, located on Mack Avenue between Washington and Rivard. Owners Sandy and Jeni are both residents and boaters — and they can create whatever kind of apparel and design you could want. Below are new sweatshirt and polo shirt designs for 2023. But if you’ve got an idea for something new, don’t let that stop you!
And… you can also pick up one of those classic club burgees by simply sending a message, email or text to PC Buzz Young and he’ll help with arrangements, including delivery. They’re only $35.00 with checks payable to GPBC.
A great way to promote our club and grow our membership!
~Matt Bontomasi